17 Sep

Pinhole Surgical Graft

What Causes Gum Recession?

Gum recession is a sign of gum disease. However, there are other things that can cause it. It may be caused by aggressive tooth brushing or certain medications. It may also be caused by orthodontic appliances.

What is a Pinhole Surgical Graft?

A pinhole surgical graft involves using an instrument to make a small hole in the gums. After that, the dentist will add collagen material to stabilize the gum recession. It is non-invasive and does not require the use of any stitches. It differs from traditional gum grafting because it does not require any cutting. It can also increase the risk of infection and complications.

Benefits of Pinhole Surgical Graft

– Non-invasive
– Does not require any incisions
– Accelerated recovery
– Immediate improvement
– Multiple areas can be treated in one session


It is important to note that this procedure is not for everyone. You must not have any periodontal disease or inflammation. You should also not have bruxism, which is better known as teeth grinding. If you have this problem, then you will have to wear an appliance at night.

Furthermore, you will have to comply with all of the post-operative instructions. You will have to avoid the activities that contributed to your gum recession. This includes things such as aggressive brushing.

There have been studies done to confirm that this procedure is effective. One study showed that people were still able to maintain results after nine years.

Call us if You Need Gum Grafting in Granada Hills

If you are interested in gum grafting, then you will need to call a dentist Granada Hills. We will be able to give you a consultation and determine whether you are a good candidate for this procedure.