Pain Management

Jaw Problems

TMD (Temporal Mandibular Dysfunction) is a result of problems in the temporomandibular jaw joint (TMJ) and the surrounding facial muscles that control chewing and moving the jaw. It may be caused by injury, grinding, clenching or misalignment of the jaw, stress or traumatic occlusion. Our qualified dentists will identify these conditionally-induced TMJ issues and discuss your treatment options, which may include identifying your optimal jaw position to restore misaligned or worn dentition.

Close up of dentists angled mirror in womans mouth

Abscesses and Infections

An abscess, identified by drainage from an infection, requires correct diagnosis to identify the problem. Dental abscesses can sometimes come from a tooth or gum tissue, and can even be associated with physical systemic conditions. Abscesses should be looked at by an oral healthcare professional right away. Treatment options can then be discussed and rendered.

Sports Guards

Athletes that engage in contact sports or high impact sports are susceptible to dental and concussive injury – which is why teeth and jaw protection are extremely vital when involved with any of these “at-risk” sports activities. We offer a variety of oral appliances to protect the teeth and jaw from damage and susceptibility. Having played contact sports most of his life, Dr. Kimia is adamant about his patients wearing appropriate appliances to reduce risk of dental injuries and especially concussions.

Toothaches & Sensitivity

Each tooth has a central chamber called the pulp where lie the nerve and blood supply. The inflammation of the area will cause sensitivity and eventually an infection. Sensitivity can result from a cavity, bruxism, uneven bite, a recent procedure or recession of the gums. For each of the cases, above a different treatment will be indicated. Hence the importance of differential diagnosis and evaluation before starting any treatment.


We are fully aware that fear and anxiety are the driving forces keeping patients from getting the treatments they need. We offer all levels of sedation including IV Sedation (twilight), with the exception of general anesthesia. Our goal is to provide to you the most pleasant experience possible. We will go above and beyond to make you comfortable and at ease.

Extractions & Oral Surgery

Dr. Kimia and Dr. Lorenz have had many years of experience with wisdom teeth extractions, socket preservation, bone grafting, frenectomies (excision of the labial frenum on the uppers that often causes a gap to form between the two front teeth or when tongue tied on lower), alveoplasty (reshaping of the jaw bone before dentures), sinus augmentation (to allow placement of implants), and torii removal (bony protrusions).

Root Canals

When dental decay goes untreated for a long period of time or when your teeth are involved in injury or habitual grinding, the pulp tissue which resides in the center of the tooth can become exposed, infected or inflamed. Debilitating pain often occurs as a result of this inflammation, and in certain cases, the inflammation will cause the root of the tooth to die (necrosis). Root canal therapy removes the source of decayed material in the tooth’s core, replacing it with a bio-compatible material. This procedure is usually combined with a restorative procedure to preserve the tooth’s form and function.

Grinding & Bruxism

Bruxism, also known as “teeth grinding” is the unusual contraction of the jaw muscle. Bruxism can happen at any time, typically aggravated by stress and anxiety. People may unknowingly clench their teeth during the day, but it most commonly occurs at night where the biting force from bruxism can range from 200 to 1,000 pounds per square inch – a level far beyond what is a safe level of force for the teeth and jaw to sustain. This incredible force can cause various dental problems, including breaking teeth and dental restorations, gum recession, increased dental sensitivity and TMJ problems, and will require professional evaluation.

Prior Treatment Complications

From time to time, dental procedures can lead to unforeseen and unwanted complications, ranging anywhere from cosmetic issues to complications that affect the function and the comfort of your mouth. Our dentists have decades of education and experience in all branches of dentistry, enabling them to team to resolve complications from prior dental treatment.