04 May

6 Tips for Root Canal Aftercare

Unfortunately, once a tooth has been exposed to significant decay or infection, it can damage the nerve which can result in an abscess beneath the root. By the time nerve damage has occurred, you likely...
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26 Apr

Toothaches and Sensitivity

While you might think that a toothache indicates that you have a cavity, there are additional reasons for having this problem. If you are experiencing pain in a tooth, then visit your dentist right away...
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09 Apr

Porcelain Veneers

Every person wants to have a beautiful smile. Many of us need help from a dentist to have our teeth straightened. It is a good time you visit your dentist when you need dental fixes...
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27 Mar

Teeth Whitening:

Dental cleaning is one step of keeping your teeth white, but you may take this next step by whitening your teeth with a special procedure made to expedite this process. There are clinics that help...
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