15 Nov

What To Expect From Gum Grafting And How To Relieve Pain

Do your teeth look like they are bigger than usual? Are your gums more sensitive to hot or cold? If so, then your gums may be receding. There are a number of factors that can cause your gums to recede. It may be caused by gum disease, genetics or teeth grinding.

Receding gums treatment is required because gum tissue cannot regrow itself. Many people are afraid to get gum grafting in Granada Hills because they think that it is painful. However, if you know what to expect, then you can make this procedure as painless as possible.

Types of Gum Grafts
A gum graft is typically performed by a periodontist. A periodontist is a dentist who has been trained to treat gum conditions. A dentist Granada Hills residents trust, may recommend one of the following gum disease treatment options.

Connective tissue graft- This is the gum graft that dentists recommend the most often. It can be used to treat multiple areas that have receding gums. The dentist will make flaps by taking tissue from the roof of your mouth and sewing it to the affected areas.
Free gingival graft-If you have minor gum recession, then your dentist may recommend this option. The dentist will take a small piece of tissue from your palate and attach to your gum tissue.
Pedicle graft-The dentist will take gum tissue from the adjacent gums and stitch it to the affected areas.

Managing Pain During the Procedure
Local anesthesia will be used to manage pain during the procedure. A dressing will be applied to the area after the surgery is over. You may have some discomfort and swelling after the surgery is over. You will likely be prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection. You may also be prescribed pain medication.

How to Alleviate Pain at Home
– Limit physical activity for 24 hours.
– Avoid hot beverages and foods for a few days.
– Eat soft foods for a few days.
– Avoid brushing and rinsing your mouth for the first 24 hours.